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ThunderCats is an American animated television series executive produced by Sam Register, and produced by Ethan Spaulding and Michael Jelenic and is a reboot of the original series by Tobin "Ted" Wolf. It is produced by Warner Bros. Animation with animation provided by the Japanese Studio 4°C.


 The series began with an hour-long premiere on Cartoon Network on July 29, 2011. The show started airing on 10 September 2011 in the United Kingdom. The show has received positive reviews from critics and fans of the original series and has also brought the franchise to a new audience.


 For generations, the Thunderians have lived and thrived in the kingdom of Thundera. However, one night the kingdom is attacked by the Lizard army led by the evil sorcerer Mumm-Ra and Grune the Destroyer. After Thundera is destroyed, a small band of surviving Thunderians led by the young heir to the throne Lion-O (who wields the powerful Sword of Omens) flees in order to seek out the Book of Omens, which is said to have the knowledge needed to defeat Mumm-Ra. Even when they find it, they must keep the Book of Omens from falling into the wrong hands and find a way to defeat Mumm-Ra once and for all. The Thundercats discover that they have to find three stones of power before Mumm-Ra does. A fourth stone of power is revealed by the book near the end of the first season to be the Eye of Thundera itself, which is embedded in the Sword of Omens.

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